西班牙最大的连锁百货公司之一的英格列斯百货公司(El Corte inglsams)本周早些时候表示,空调设备的销量大幅上升,人们对宠物冷却垫的兴趣也有所增加。
李峻 译自 路透社
Spain activates all its gas plants to cope with heatwave
Spain had to resort to all available gas plants to cope with growing electricity demand triggered by the scorching temperatures in recent days, industry association Sedigas said on Thursday.
The country, like many others, has been hammered by a heatwave that has pushed temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). As Spaniards turned to air conditioning to tackle high temperatures, electricity demand went up.
On Tuesday, when these plants produced around 30% of the overall electricity, "the system operator had to resort to all available natural gas production units to be able to meet the demand," Sedigas said.
These plants, known as combined cycle power plants, play an important role in particular in the early hours of the night, at around 10 p.m., when demand is still high but the contribution of solar plants is minimal.
Between June 1 and July 19, Natural gas plants produced around 22% of the country"s electricity, Sedigas said. Last year, these pants produced almost a fourth of the country"s electricity.
El Corte Inglés, one of Spain"s largest department store chains, said earlier this week that sales of air conditioning units had jumped, as had interest in cooling pads for pets.
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